
Initial Consultation: Natal With Transits / Solar Return ~ The holographic imprint of your moment of birth shows your patterns, purpose, talents, and challenges. Empowering insight into how your chart is unfolding in time supports your highest potential. For insight into events (past, present or probable future), and to learn to work with Synchronicity, to enhance your timing and maximize your opportunities. 90 – 120 mins. ($300 – $400).
In-Depth Relationship (For Couples; Family Members; Friends; Business, Creative & Life Partners) ~ Same as Standard, below, right, which includes Chart Comparison (“Synastry”) with the Composite. Adding Transits to all three Charts – reveals the relationship’s dynamics in time and its evolving purpose. As the relationship’s unconscious dynamics emerge, its highest potential unfoldment in time can be catalized simply by becoming more aware of both parties’ individual and shared styles and patterns. 90 – 120 mins. ($400 – $500).
Deluxe Relationship ~ The optimal approach: Doing each partner’s chart separately first (recordings can be shared with one another), and then the above together facilitates improved self- and mutual understanding, and deeper communication. Special package rate for two people committing to this series of sessions together: $800 – $900.

Natal Chart Interpretation ~ The holographic imprint of your moment of birth shows your individual patterns and purpose, your talents and challenges. Empowering insight supports your highest potential.
Follow-Up: Transits & Progressions ~ How your chart is unfolding in time. For insight into events (past, present or future), and to learn to work with Synchronicity, to enhance your timing and maximize your opportunities.
60 – 90 mins. with Natal or Solar Return.
Follow-Up: Solar Return ~ The major themes for the period of your annual birthday cycle.
Standard Relationship (Two Charts) ~ Examine the intricate and complex interactions between any two charts (“Synastry”) and the Composite, which shows the purpose(s) for the relationship itself. ($300).

Focused Astrology Queries ~ For a quick update, or just to get a “taste” of astrology and your natal horoscope, or ask a very specific question. A thumbnail of your character profile, talents, potential, and basic patterns.
Focused Tarot Queries ~ Quick insight into your current situation, the likely progression of events, while suggesting helpful alternatives.
In-Depth Tarot ~ The synchronistic imprint of the cards provides a fresh perspective on the present moment, your position within your circumstances and relationships, and many hidden potentialities, through insightful guidance to support you in co-creating your own future. 60 mins. = $200.
Reiki Energy Healing ~ Combined with any of the above, or on its own ~ the subtle yet profound healing energy of Reiki is effective in even just 30 mins. (prorated accordingly). Excellent “spot treatment” for specific aches and pains or stiffness; soothing for stress, distress, and anxiety: “A hot bath on the inside.” Gentle hands-on treatments can be as focused and brief (or as in-depth) as you desire, bringing deep peace and relaxation to your mind, body, snf spirit. Promoting health, balance, and well being, furthering and accelerating your own natural healing process on all levels, treatments can be in-person or remote.
60 – 120 mins. = $150 – $300.
Ongoing Creative Alchemy Coaching ~ A gentle integrative approach drawing on Jungian principles, Psychosynthesis, meditation, dreamwork, imagery, intuition, creativity (drawing, collage, writing, etc.), spontaneity and Synchronicity (Divination), and / or Reiki to facilitate your individual process of unfoldment. The Alchemy of Transformation frequently operates through Paradox: Opening to what is perceived as “Darkness” ~ rather than resisting it ~ leads to the Light, the dragon’s treasure under the volcano, the gold within the lead: your unique Self.
60 or 90 mins., weekly, monthly, or bi-monthly ($150 – $200).