Video: Group Theory, Abstraction and the 196,883 Dimensional Monster
Video: Calabi-Yau Manifold Animation
Video: Streaming Information
Video: Introduction Teaser
Video: Introductory Overview to AlephTalks Mysticism: Where Science, Art and Spirituality Meet
Video: The Philadelphia Experiment
Video: The Philadelphia Experiment-Full Disclosure

Video: Why You Should Read Dante's Inferno
Video: History Makers: Dante
Video: Finding Meaning, Not Minotaurs: A Beginner's Guide to Labyrinths
The Riemann Hypothesis, Explained-Quanta Magazine
In Defence of String Theory: Juan Maldacena
What Every Physicist Should Know About String Theory: Edward Witten
Video: Feigenbaum's Constant
Video: Nonlinear Dynamics: Feigenbaum and Universality
Computational Foundations for the Second Law of Thermodynamics: Wolfram
Video: This Equation Will Change How You See the World (The Logistic Map)
Video: Is Our Entire Universe Held Together by One Mysterious Number, the Fine Structure Constant
Video: The Mystery of 0.577-Numberphile
Video: Who Cares About Topology (Inscribed Rectangle Problem)
Video: The Best Pictures Ever Taken by Hubble Space Telescope
Video: Consciousness is Not A Computation-Roger Penrose
Podcast: Where Do Space, Time, and Gravity Come From-Sean Carroll with Steven Strogatz on the Joy of X Quanta Magazine
Podcast: Reality is a Paradox-Mathematics, Physics, Truth and Love-Edward Frenkel and Lex Fridman
Podcast: Physics of Consciousness and the Infinite Universe-Roger Penrose and Lex Fridman
Podcast: Scaling Selfhood: Collective Intelligence from Cells to Economies, Michael Levin and Oshan Jarow
Etheric Electromagnetism: The Road Not Taken
Sacred Geometry of the Universe
Appendix to Sacred Geometry of the Universe
Information Is Everywhere: The Pilot Wave Theory of DeBroglie and Bohm Is Correct
Higher Dimensions and the Third Book of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
Observations About Strings and String Theory
Towards a Theory of Everything: Space, Matter, Dark Matter, Energy, Neutrinos, Strings, Information
Conformal Cosmology, The Big Bounce, Higgs Bosons
Sacred Geometry and Crop Circles